How Humans Overcooked A Planet

Contrary to a stupid popular belief among close minded degenerates, the planet we call home is experiencing a disaster known as Global Warming. One source of information supporting this can be found on a NASA website dedicated to the tracking and recording of global warming, creatively named Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet (which can be found by clicking here).
But we're not here to rant about NASA's ingenuity when it comes to naming things; we would be complaining for days. We are here to discuss how NASA has created a database filled with articles, papers, videos, statistics, and facts supporting the claim that the planet Earth is experiencing global warming.

The most relative evidence pertaining to global warming is the Facts page in which NASA has collected specific evidence points. These main points include Global Temperature Rise, Warming Oceans, Shrinking Ice Sheets, and other pieces of evidence. Each piece leads to other pages, documents, and visuals that support it. The culmination of this information centralizes and concentrates all the theories about global warming, making it more accessible to the public and easier to understand. NASA supplies a variety of documents in these main points, ranging from pointed papers meant for other scientific researchers to articles any 6th grader could understand. There are also many diagrams and simulations that further explain the ideas stated in the evidence files. If one wishes to know more about the threat of global warming then they should look to NASA's website, not the know-it-all elderly man next door who swears its all political hogwash.

The articles and website created by NASA are accurate and reliable. NASA is recognized world-wide as a pioneer of scientific discovery and an organization dedicated to the truth of science. The website Global Climate Change the site editor Holly Shaftel,  the site manager Randal Jackson, and the Science Editor Susan Callery. All of these personnel are extremely dependable and highly qualified. Shaftel received a masters in Public Administration at the University of Southern California and has worked with NASA for five years and is currently a Web Editor and Social Media Specialist at NASA Jet Propulsion Lab. Jackson received a Bachelor of the Arts from the University of Georgia and has worked with NASA as an Internet Manager for sixteen years, before that he worked for CNN as a Senior Editor for five years. Callery received a Masters of Advanced Studies from the University of Denver and has worked with NASA as a Manager of the Earth Science Public Engagement Office for six years. Each of these employees of NASA are good at their job and more than qualified to guarantee that the information published in the NASA website is trustworthy.

Feel free to clue your disgruntled and uneducated neighbor into the fact that NASA has given you access to a world of reliable knowledge that supports the reality of global warming. Next time you feel the need to learn more about global warming or want more facts for when you verbally brawl with nonbelievers, simply mosey on over to the NASA website, Global Climate Change, dedicated to the task of proving global warming exists.


  1. While I appreciate your passion for this topic, you might want to be careful about being too confrontational. It’s easy to piss people off; it’s hard to actually change their minds.


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